Sunday, June 29, 2008

Close Encounters

So, to continue from yesterday...during the entire time we ate dinner Pierre sat on the table just inside the sliding glass doors and monitored our meal. The dogs would occasionally go over to the screen and whine at him, but he either reacted by ignoring them with the utmost disdain or else by glaring at them with a loud hiss. (The hisses from any of the cats always appear to crush Annie, she gives me a "what did I say?" sort of look and slinks away most pathetically.)

[Note the bag on which Pierre is standing - he had discovered a bag of dog chews and was more interested in them than in his own treats. The grass is always greener...]

Triscuit stayed happily ensconced on my bed even when I came down the hall with both dogs at my heels. She glared at them when they came in, but didn't bother to move. I sat down on the bed next to her and Annie jumped up next to me, but she still stayed. So there we were, the three of us. Annie kept trying to inch her way closer and was desperate to give Triscuit a kiss. She got within inches, and Triscuit, who had been ignoring her up to that point, turned and gave a soft but evil hiss. Annie backed off apologetically, and Triscuit looked up at me with an expression that clearly said, "Please. Would I let a dog lick me?" I swear she rolled her eyes. It was hysterical!

[Note - I am NOT holding Triscuit down in the picture, nor did I use PhotoShop for anything other than to reduce the image size to post it on the Web!]

We were invited to Will's house to watch the fireworks at the airport (you can see them pretty well from his front lawn). Annie & Sarah had been invited to come along, too (Will's a dog person), but I opted to leave them for a bit, as I don't know how they react to loud noises. Triscuit seemed content to stay on the bed, even with them there; Pierre had long since hidden in the closet, and Jasmine has apparently taken up permanent residence in the basement.

When we got home, Jasmine was the only one I could locate immediately. Pierre and Triscuit were nowhere to be found. The dogs had come outside, of course, when we got home, and Bill stayed out with them while I hunted. I called around the basement for a bit, and came back upstairs to find the two cats sitting at the top of the stairs. We let the dogs back in; Pierre bolted downstairs but Triscuit nonchalantly strolled down the hall. I thought she went back to the bedroom, but she had parked herself UNDER the bed in Bill's room and was apparently not planning on coming out.

Bill reported this morning that she DID come out - about 1:00 a.m. - and went back downstairs.
Last time I went down all three were present and accounted for, for once.

I think I'll go visit them...

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