Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ai Haz A Wii!!!

My favorite friend Sue called me this afternoon while I was bathing the dogs and left me a voice message telling me that she was at the Mall and had just walked past the GameStop store. They had a sign out saying that they had Wiis in stock! So I hustled myself up there (okay, it was almost an hour later, but only because I had to wait for Bill) AND - I now have a Wii!! So far I've played three games of tennis (I actually won one) and bowled two games (I got a 123 and a 185).

The dogs watched me, but were not impressed. They wanted to go outside. So after my two games of bowling and three games of tennis, we went out onto the deck so I could brush them and clean Sarah's ears. During this time, I happened to look over toward the sliding doors and discovered Triscuit sitting inside glaring at us, and Pierre was at the top of the stairs.

Bill came out to grill hamburgers for dinner, so I left the girls out on the deck with him and came in to have a few moments with my kitties. I'm not sure where Pierre went, but Triscuit has had a brushing and is now sitting next to me on the bed purring happily (it's HER bed, after all). I hate to break it to her that the dogs won't be staying outside indefinitely...

Burgers are done - more later!!


Gail said...

THANK GOD. Our long national nightmare has come to an end.

Well, sort of. The Fit nightmare continues...

Gettin' up early tomorrow, are Wii????

belle52962 said...

Yep, that's right people, I'm her favorite friend! Love ya sister!!

Sue said...

I won't have a fit over the Fit just yet...there's stuff here to keep me content for awhile!