Friday, April 20, 2007

New Blog

Cheryl & I have been working on a new blog - a book blog for students to share their views on titles that are selected/recommended by librarians in our region. We're having MUCH fun - and are excited to be using this. Hope the kids like it, too!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wiki stuff

I know that I have referred to posts from Will Richardson's blog from time to time, but I guess I totally missed the fact that he actually has a section of his blog dedicated to Wikis called "wiki-watch." Some very cool stuff! It will lead you to see wikis in action, like this one from some 8th grade students in Delaware.

That Will guy is just full of great information!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Today is Read-Aloud Day!

I'm going to read aloud to three classes today - fun! I haven't read to primary kids since last Read-Aloud Day, I'll bet. Tomorrow I get to read to one more class. All in celebration of National Library Week!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Trying to be more intentional...

...about using this blog, I added a link to it to my personalized Google Home Page. So now when I open a browser window, it'll be staring right at me and reminding me somewhat accusingly (somewhat like my cat Triscuit when her bowl isn't filled to her specifications) that I haven't posted recently.

Who knows, I might even find interesting stuff to post!

My colleagues will be disappointed, I'm sure, if I don't include at least occasional panda information, and as there isn't ANY on this blog as yet, let me just add this lovely image of Tai Shan, the National Zoo's youngest panda (he's not REALLY a cub anymore, although he was when the photo was taken). A very good friend of mine took this picture last October when we went to visit Tai and his mom and dad (Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, respectively).

Back again

Well, so I'm not a prolific blogger. It's been MONTHS since I wrote here, and all kinds of things have happened, all kinds of opportunities have been missed. Ah, well. I've always been sort of like that; I kept a diary as a kid for awhile, then put it aside and didn't do anything with it for ages in between entries. Finally stopped altogether. Guess I'm easily distracted with the next new thing!

In any case, I use this primarily for the Blogs/Wikis/Podcasts class, so that's generally what prompts me to write. In fact, though, at the moment, I'm not coming up with anything that seems to be particularly full of wit, humor, and/or instruction. Maybe it's because we had yesterday off, maybe it's because I haven't had enough coffee, or maybe it's just too close to lunchtime.

Best I can do right now, I guess, is point you to this site I just found. I'm sitting here in amazement because I never saw it before, although it's apparently been around since November of 2005, according to The Wayback Machine:

TLT Group's Exploration Guide: Educational Uses of Blogs, Wikis, RSS Feeds, etc.