Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Back into life

It's been forever since I've been on here; today seemed like a good day to catch up, as I just need to get some things out of me...

August flew by in a flurry of activity; getting patrons loaded into school catalogs and beginning-of-school year stuff ready. It also heralded the beginning of rehearsals for Elmira Little Theatre's show The Full Monty, in which I had the incredible good fortune to play Jeanette Burmeister.
September was no less hectic; it seemed as though I was never going to catch up. School in session means lots of email and phone calls; training sessions for new library staff, informational packets, meetings...and more time to work on Monty....

All in all, it's been an exhausting, exhilarating, emotional month and a half or so. Working with the amazing cast and crew of Monty has been an experience which I never imagined. It was a time to reconnect with former theatre friends, a time to deepen friendships which already existed, and, best of all, to make new friends. This show has claimed a piece of my soul...and that makes it that much harder to come back to work and reality.

May you all be fortunate enough to live such a dream!

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