Friday, June 27, 2008

Cats and dogs update

Well, Annie & Sarah seem to have settled in quite nicely, thank you. They are currently snoozing on the floor next to my bed. The cats, however, are still not very happy about this.

Earlier this afternoon, Triscuit confirmed that she had been in my bedroom closet (which is not an unusual thing; she sleeps there quite regularly, so that was not necessarily on account of the dogs) by wandering down the hall when I was sitting in the living room with our canine guests. She stopped short when she saw them, apparently quite surprised. I don't know if she was sound asleep when they arrived and didn't hear them, or if she just forgot they were there. In any case, we had a staring match amongst the three of them, then she nonchalantly slipped downstairs. Annie & Sarah weren't sure if they should follow her or not, and by the time they decided they should, she had disappeared, so they came back and settled into the living room again.

A few minutes later, Pierre slunk down the hall and followed in Triscuit's steps down the stairs. So we had two downstairs! Jasmine was still sitting next to the computer, apparently not having moved for several hours. I took her some food and water, but she wasn't at all interested. Oh, well...

Came back and fell asleep (naps are good!) and was awakened by Sarah barking. Pierre had decided to brave things and had come back upstairs! Pierre, our resident 'fraidy-cat, of all things. He lay down under the piano and dared the girls to approach him. They declined, and a long staring match ensued. Annie lost interest pretty quickly, but Sarah was fascinated by him. (Well, he is almost as big as she is.)

During this time it was pretty quiet, so Triscuit must've figured the dogs had left, because she came back upstairs and stopped short once again to see them there. They, of course, immediately were all tail-waggy and happy to see her, which caused her to turn around and go back downstairs in alarm. That in turn freaked Pierre out and he abandoned the staring match to follow her down.

When Bill got home, Annie and Sarah were not at all sure about him. They raised a ruckus, and it wasn't till we were actually sitting down to dinner that they finally decided that it was all right for him to be there. I don't think he was very sure about them, either!

After dinner I went back down to the bedroom to find Jasmine in the same position she had been in for the past 8 hours. This began to concern me; I figured she MUST need to use the litter box by this time! So I figured I'd carry her downstairs...

Suffice it to say that I now have some scratches on my left shoulder that sting quite a bit. I had to get Bill to take her downstairs while I took the girls outside.

So all three are downstairs where there are litter boxes and some food and water. I believe I'll take them some more and see if I can visit with them for a bit. Poor kitties!


Gail said...

Hm. Dogs have the run of the house, cats are in the basement. Campaigning for Mother of the Year, are we????


Sue said...

Well, it just seemed better that way 'cause it's where the litter boxes are...

Thanks, like I don't feel guilty already!!