Looking at my last post, I wondered where on earth June had gone, but I could say the same about July & the first couple weeks of August. Doesn't seem possible that I last posted on July 10th, and here it's August 15th already. In the interim, I've produced a show with our kids' group, auditioned and begun rehearsals for another ("The Full Monty" with Elmira Little Theatre, come see it at Mandeville Hall end of September! More on that later, I'm sure...), rearranged my office to accommodate a roommate (Sue Canfield - yay!), and done a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember at the moment.
I'm currently in the processing of redesigning a database that I've kept for myself for a number of years so that others can use it, too. It always amazes me when I really look at something I've done and try to analyze it to see it from someone else's viewpoint. Kind of scares me to think that my brain processes are that convoluted! It's a failing of mine; I try to make things more difficult than they really are, I think. I'm not certain I'm alone in that, though; seems like a lot of people I know do the same. But maybe that's just because I hang out with people like me! Hmm, that's kind of like a "chicken-and-egg" thing, isn't it? Reminds me of the part in "Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows" where Harry and Luna are going into Ravenclaw Tower, and we discover that Ravenclaws don't have a password system like everyone else. No, they have to answer a random question, and this particular question was "Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?" After some discussion with Harry (which has not much to do with actually answering the question) Luna comes back with "Well, then, I think that the answer is that a circle has no beginning." The door guardian opens with the remark "Well reasoned."
This post is beginning to seem like a circle with no beginning, and not well-reasoned at all. But I did want to kind of touch base, as it were, and I think I've had insufficient coffee to make total sense.
Oh, but there IS news in the U.S. panda world - Bai Yun and Gao Gao have produced a third cub (it's actually Bai's 4th, her first, Hua Mei, was sired by Shi Shi via artificial insemination) at the San Diego Zoo. The cub was born on August 3rd and is, by all accounts, a "healthy and vigorous cub" although very quiet, apparently. This is a shot of Bai & her week-old cub (courtesy of my friend Gail, who is a fellow panda fan!). You can just see the black patches starting to show where the eyes and ears are. :-)
That's it for now, I guess...