Ever have that experience?
Tonight we have our last School Librarians of the Southern Tier meeting for the year. Should be fun; tonight's session is kind of like a "show and tell" for librarians. People share projects, tips, things like that, and it's always good to see what everyone else is doing. Gives you lots of ideas for the upcoming school year!
Now, if only we could remember them over the summer...
My frustration from the last post is gone; YouTube is back. Apparently there were several people who complained to the right ears; I was not one, though, because by the time I'd cooled down enough to feel I could voice my opinion rationally and actually had time to go find our technology administrator, enough other people had beat me to the punch. I'm sure there are other things still blocked that probably shouldn't be, but for now, at least, I'm much calmer and happier.